船舶油液监测技术作为代表当今船舶维修管理水平的一项高新技术正在世界范围迅速发展着。大力推广应用油液监测技术 ,扎实做好基础与应用研究工作 ,迅速提高船舶维修管理水平 ,是我国航运业健康、持续、稳步发展的必由之路。
The high-new technology of oil condition monitoring is developed rapidly all over the world,It is a symbol of the marine maintenance and repairing now.The road our shipping company must follow or take is that we spread the high-new technology of oil condition monitoring energetically,do the application and theory reascher woke hard,rasie the manegement level of marine maintenance and repairing rapidly.
China Shiprepair