“三个代表”不仅是江泽民面临复杂多变的国际国内环境而提出的重要思想 ,而且是邓小平提出的“三个有利于”标准在社会主义建设新时期的客观要求。两者的精神实质相同 ,同时 ,又是对“三个有利于”标准深刻而全面的发展 ,并成为中国共产党进入社会发展新时期的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源。
The 'Three Represents' is not only an important idea drawn by Jiang Ze min under the complex and varying domestic and international situation,but also the objective demand of the Deng Xiao ping's 'Three Beneficial Standards' in the new era of the socialistic construction.These two ideas are the same in spiritual essence,and the former is a further development of the latter and has become a foundation for the communist party when entering into a new developing times.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology