利用因子分析方法研究了 2 0 0 1年报考桂林电子工业学院研究生的入学考试成绩。结果表明 ,贡献率最大的两个主成分能明显区分 5科成绩。最主要因子为文科因子 ,其次是理科因子。要提高学院教学质量以及教学管理水平 ,未来的本科教育应重视优秀学生培养 。
Factor analysis has been done on the entrance examination score of the graduate study applicants in year 2001,the findings show that two factors distinguish themselves from the others in the contribution to the total scores of the 5 courses tested.The dominant factors are the scores on social science course and natural science course.The analysis results suggest that more emphasis shouls be laid on the education of top students so as to turn out more qualified graduates to meet the requirements of us university.
Journal of Guilin Institute of Electronic Technology
广西区教育科学"十五"规划立项课题 (2 0 0 1c0 43 )