在“什么是玉——玉辨之一”的基础上 ,进一步对“什么是玉石”这一命题展开严谨的讨论 ,重点论述了我国珠宝玉石传统观点与现代新兴宝石体系之间存在的关于“玉”和“玉石”、“玉”和“Jade”及“玉”名称等方面的矛盾。指出关于“玉”和“玉石”的命名应在中华文化传统习惯的内涵、历史依据以及命名法则上加以规范。
This is the second topic on nephrite identification,laying emphasis on the contradictions of jade and nephrite nomination between traditional jewelry view and modern gemstone system.It is pointed out that the nomination of nephrite and jade should be unified on the historical basis and following Chinese traditional culture and nomination role in order to make a health devolopment of Chinese jewelry cause.