信息时代赋予现代地图学新的内容 ,新的生长点。虚拟现实技术和因特网技术在现代地图学中的应用使赛博空间在虚拟地图中得以构造 ,从而使地图由原来的平面变成了含有属性的多维空间环境。地学工作者可以在赛博空间中足不出户地漫游世界 ,可以进行地学多维特征的研究。
Modern cartology has new contents and new growth points in information era. the application of virtual reality technology and internet technology makes the idea of building cyberspace in virtual map become possible. It changes the map from two dimension environment to many dimension spatial environment which includes property. By the ciberspace, the geographers can visit the world at home and research many dimension property of the things about geography.
Northeast Surveying and Mapping