研究了终轧温度和终轧压下量对 1 0mm厚 0 9CuPTiRE耐大气腐蚀钢板冲击韧性和断口形貌的影响。结果表明 :终轧温度 84 0℃、终轧压下量 1mm时 ,该钢材断口形貌韧性特征和冲击韧性均比终轧温度890℃、终轧压下量 1 .5mm的钢材显著改善 ,因此终轧温度比终轧压下量对钢冲击韧性和断口形貌影响更大。
The effect of finishing temperature and reduction of rolling in finishing pass on impact toughness and fracture morphology of 10 mm thickness weather\|resisting 09CuPTiRE steel plate has been tested and studied. The results show that the toughness characteristic of fracture morphology and impact toughness of steel plate with finishing temperature 840 ℃ and 1.0 mm reduction in finishing pass are an improvement over that with finishing temperature 890 ℃ and 1.5 mm reduction in finishing pass, therefore the influence of finishing temperature of rolling on impact toughness and fracture morphology of steel is obviously more that of reduction of rolling in finishing pass.
Special Steel