通过对鲑鱼、带鱼、黄花鱼、鲅鱼和鲳鱼 5种市售海水鱼的肌肉与鲈鱼、鳜鱼、中华鲟、鲢鱼、鳙鱼、罗非鱼、武昌鱼、鲤鱼和草鱼 9种市售淡水鱼的肌肉和内脏脂肪中EPA、DHA的含量的分析比较 ,结果显示 ,除鲤鱼和草鱼外 ,无论是海水鱼还是淡水鱼 ,其脂肪中均含有一定数量的EPA、DHA。特别是淡水鱼中的鲈鱼 ,其肌肉与内脏脂肪中的DHA含量居所有被测样品之首 ,占其脂肪酸组成的 18.6 %~ 2 0 .1% ,比被检测的鲑鱼DHA含量高出近
The EPA and DHA content in the fat of muscle and entrails of 5 varieties freezing sea fishes such as salmon,hairtail,little yellow croaker,blackbluespotted mackerel and silver butterfish, and of 9 varieties fresh water fishes such as river perch,Chinese perch,Chinese sturgeon,silver loweye carp,bighead carp,African crucian carp,bluntsnout bream,common carp and grass carp have been determined. The results indicate that, all fishes except common carp and grass carp, contain definite amount EPA and DHA. Among the 9 varieties of fresh water fishes, river perch has highest DHA content,the DHA content in fatty acid composition of muscle and entrail fat is 18.6%~20.1%, it is higher than salmon's about 5 percent.
China Oils and Fats