
光子晶体光纤的原理、应用和制作 被引量:2

Photonic Crystal Fiber: Theory, Applications and Fabrication
摘要 光子晶体光纤是一种新型光纤,它与传统光纤相比在结构和性能上有显著的差别和优势。简要分析了光子晶体光纤的原理,并介绍了其特性、应用、分析和制作方法。 Photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is a new type of optical fiber waveguide. It is quite different from standard optical fibers in structure and presents many advantages in optical properties. In this paper, theory of PCF is briefly analyzed; optical properties, applications, modeling and fabrication methods are introduced.
出处 《光通信技术》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第11期41-43,共3页 Optical Communication Technology
关键词 光子晶体 光子晶体光纤 色散 非线性 photonic crystal photonic ciystal fiber dispersion nonlinear
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