John McCarthy[1]提出要达到更高级的智能,关键之一在于系统能有效地处理常识信息情境(common sense informat-ic situation).与常识信息情境相对的是有界信息情境(bounded informatic situation).在有界信息情境中,与实现目标相关的信息在系统构建前已经确定,即系统初始时拥有所需的全部信息.
In this paper a survey of elaboration tolerance in logical AI is provided. John McCarthy views elaboration tolerance as the key property of any formalism that can represent information in the common sense informatic situation. The goal of studying elaboration tolerance is finding a formalism for describing problems logically that is as elaboration tolerant as natural language and the associated background knowledge. In the beginning, we introduce the missionaries and cannibals problem and its elaboration problems provided by John McCarthy as the test examples of studying elaboration tolerance. Then we introduce the study of elaboration tolerance from three aspects. First of all ?the study of elaboration tolerance of the existing systems is introduced such as Causal Calculator and ABSFOL. Second the study of special elaboration is presented such as elaboration of actions. Last but not least a formal definition of elaboration toleration and evaluation tools is provided.
Computer Science