
一个软件服务协同中的信任管理框架设计 被引量:3

Design of a Trust Management Framework in Software Service Coordination
摘要 1引言 目前,以Web服务为代表的软件服务及软件服务协同已成为一种新兴的Web应用形态. Internet-based Web application systems are gradually built as software service coordination systems. In an openi dynamic and collaborative application environment, traditional methods assumed with closeness, centralization and independence are not able to cope with these security problems efficiently. Trust management is a new method for dealing with security issues of open, distributed network application system. However, the traditional policy-based trust management systems have some shortcomings, i. e. complex in policy making, unable to deal with negative security credentials, etc. So, we design a trust management framework in combination with subjective trust model for software service coordination and security decision in Internet environment. This trust management framework has characteristics of operability, reasonability, and flexibility in policy setting.
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2003年第9期152-154,161,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金(No.60273034) 863项目(No.2001AA11310 No.2002AA116010) 江苏省自然科学基金 高技术项目(BG2001012 BK2002203 BK2002409)
关键词 软件服务协同系统 信任管理 设计 事件概率 INTERNET Trust management, Trust valuation
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