随着我国医疗体制改革的发展 ,医疗保险已成为人们求医问药的首选之路。医院通过何种方式与本地医疗保险中心进行链接 ,实现医保患者的费用自动审核及结算成为医院需要迫切解决的问题。本文重点讨论了医疗保险城域网建设中医院端网络建设的设计与实施。
With the reform and development of medical system, medical insurance has become the priorty of people for medical consultation. It has been an urgent problem to be solved that the patients expense should be checked and closed an account automaticly and chose an ideal way to connect the hospital network with the city network. This article puts a key point to discuss the way of the design and realization of city network and hospital network for medical insurance of city network and hospital network for medical insurance.