研究了用超临界二氧化碳 (SCCO2 )对不同材质、形状与结构的近 2 0种物件上不同污垢的清洗 ,初步结果表明 ,除了某些高分子聚合物基体会在SCCO2 中发生形变外 ,SCCO2 可用于对金属、改性聚合物、玻璃类物件的清洗 ,没有变形。对于非极性污垢 ,清洗效率可达 80 %以上 ,但对于极性较强的污垢 ,SCCO2 不能达到满意效果。物件的结构形状对清洗影响很大 ,有死角、暗孔、多孔结构的物件清洗较为困难。对于平板材料 ,SCCO2 的清洗效率可达到工业清洗标准。提高温度和压力有利于清洗。
Using supercritical carbon dioxide (SCCO 2) as the cleansing agent, the removal of lubricants on about 20 kinds of different substrates with different shapes, structures and contaminants were studied preliminaryly. The results showed that SCCO 2 could be safely used in cleansing metals, some modified polymers and glasses etc., but some polymers deformed in SCCO 2. The removal rate of the nonpolar contaminants were over 80%, however, the removal rate of strongly polar contaminants were unsatisfactory. It is more difficult to clean the blind areas of the parts with complicated geometric shape and porous structure. As to the smooth surface, the removal of lubricants by SCCO 2 is efficient enough to meet the criterions of industrial cleansing. The removal rate of the contaminants could be increased by lifting the temperature and pressure.
Speciality Petrochemicals