苏联的“官僚特权阶层”越来越引起学者们的关注。关于勃列日涅夫时期“官僚特殊阶层”问题谈论的有很多 ,但还不见专门的论述。苏联“官僚特权阶层”的形成有其制度上的原因 ,它形成于斯大林时期 ,到勃列日涅夫时期发展到顶峰。勃列日涅夫以“稳定”当头 ,不思改革 ,带头奢靡腐化 ,致使这个掌握人民权力的阶层终于走向人民的反面。
The 'privileged bureaucratic class' in the former USSR has drawn the more and more attentions of scholars. There have been quite a few discussions about the issue of privileged bureaucratic class in the period of Brezhnev, but there have been no special articles yet. The formation of the privileged bureaucratic class in former USSR had its institutional cause, which was formed in the time of Stalin. When Brezhnev took the rule, he drew the lessons of carder system reform in Khruschov's time, focused on stability and gave up reform. Therefore, in his time, the privileged bureaucratic class had not been dealt, even Brezhnev himself was greatly corrupted. The Ruling class fell into the force that was against people, which was the major factor to lead the break of USSR.
Northeast Asia Forum