目的 探讨亚低温对大鼠急性脑梗死后脑组织内Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、兴奋性氨基酸 (EAA)及血浆内皮素 (ET)变化的影响及意义。方法 将 48只SD大鼠随机分为亚低温组及对照组 ,各组再分为 4个亚组 ,每亚组 6只 ,应用改良线拴法制备大鼠大脑中动脉梗死模型 ;亚低温组大鼠给予亚低温治疗 ,而对照组不作亚低温处理。分别于缺血后 1h、2h、4h、8h处死 1亚组 ,检测缺血区脑组织内Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、EAA及血浆ET含量。结果 亚低温组大鼠缺血区脑组织内Ca2 + 、Mg2 + 、EAA及血浆ET含量随着缺血时间的延长仅轻度升高 ,Mg2 + 含量的下降也不明显 ,与对照组同时段比较差异有显著性 (P <0 .0 1)。结论 亚低温能明显阻止实验大鼠脑缺血后缺血区脑组织内损伤性因子Ca2 + 、EAA和ET含量的增高及保护性因子Mg2 + 的下降 。
Objective To investigate the effect of m il d hypothermia on the content of Ca 2+、Mg 2+、EAA in rat brain tissue and ET in plasma after acute cerebral infarction. Methods Forty-eight Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly assigned into trial group and control group. Using the method of reformed line-thrombosis,the cerebral in farction models were established. The rats in the trial-group were cooled by mi ld hypothermia for half an hour, while those in the control group were subjected to no disposal. Every group was divided into 4 sub-groups according to the pos t-infarction disposal time. Every sub-group was composed of 6 SD rats and kill ed at the time points of 1 hour,2 hour,4 hour and 8 hour after infarction, respe ctively. Then the content of Ca 2+、Mg 2+、EAA in rat brain tissue an d ET in plasma were measured. ResultsThe post-infar ction content of Ca 2+、EAA and ET of trial-group increased mildly and Mg 2+ reduced very little. There was a significant statistical difference bet ween the trial group and the control group. Conclusion Mild hypothermia may significantly reverse the increase of the content of Ca 2+ and EAA and the fall of Mg 2+ and the increment of ET in plasma as well after acute cerebral infarction in experimental animals. So as a result, m ild hypothermia possesses protective effect on brain.
Chinese Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation
湖北省科委科研基金资助项目(No .952P1 90 2 )