Horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and colloidal gold (Au) were physicochemically linked to streptococcal protein G (SPG)to produce SPG-HRP and SPG-Au probes. Subsequently, they were introduced to the routine pathological sections, EM post embedding, pre-embedding and ultrathineryosectioning techniques. The histoehemical staining revealed highly dense, precise labellings by the probes with a clear background, markedly superior to staining with classical staphylococcal protein A (SPA). The results demonstrated that one of the most important advantages of SPG was its capa bility to retain a stronger, stabler and more reliable IgG-binding affinity than that of SPA under the histchemical staining conditions. Furthermore, SPG was especially suitable for monoclonal antibodies. SPG could be used as a novel, highly effective immunological detecting agent for histochemical staining under various conditions.
Shanghai Journal of Immunology