西安交通大学教务处为贯彻国家教育部变传统的纵向教育模式为纵横教育模式 ,拓宽学生知识面 ,为国家培养有健康体魄、知识丰富的全面发展的人才 ,决定向理工科学生开设“社会医学”课。本文就“社会医学”课开设后 ,理工科同学的反映作以总结 ,以便巩固良效 ,改进不足 ,更进一步使“社会医学”
In order to turn he triditional education model into the crisscross one and open up the range of knowledge and train students for profession,the Dean's Office of XJTU resolved to offer a course of Social Medicine for science and engineering students in 2001.The author sumed up the opinions from the students who learned the course and put forward some ideas for improving the teaching method, so as to the course can be played an important role in students'learning life.
Chinese Medical Ethics