晚清时期 ,受聘来华洋员对中国的早期现代化事业起了重要的推动作用。他们积极地为洋务大员创办新式事业出谋划策 ,并亲自参与新式事业基础设施建设 ;努力促进新式事业的发展壮大 ,推动技术进步 ;充当新式事业的教练、工师、监工、匠目以及学堂教习、留学生监督等 ,培养了为数不少的掌握了科学技术知识的人才。当然 ,其中也有不能尽力、不遵约束者。
In the Late Qing Dynasty,the foreign employees play a propelling role in the early modernization process of China.They have actively offered advice and suggestions for the Chinese staff in Westernization Movement,and personally participated the building of projects for basic facilities as well.They have also worked hard to accelerate the development of the early modernization undertaking,and promote the advancement of technology.In addition,they have acted as trainers,engineers,overseers,heads of craftsman,classroom instructors,as well as oversea students' supervisors,and wherefore fostered many talents with the knowledge of science and technology for China early modernization course.It is noticed that there are some incompetent foreign employees,or those who don't abide by the law and rules.
Historical Research In Anhui