介绍了双相介质中震电效应的主要机制 ,即第 1类和第 2类震电效应。重点研究了双相介质中充放电效应 ,提出了“第 3类震电效应”这一概念。在此基础上 ,建立了双相介质震电波场控制方程 ,分析研究了震电波场的动力学和运动学特性。通过对—水平层状的两层双相介质模型数值模拟 ,结果表明 ,地震波的运动学特性基本不受震电效应的影响 ,而震电效应产生的电磁波场则具有独特的特性。
In this paper, we studied the mechanism of seismoelectric effects in two-phase media, and confirmed theoretically an original kind of seismoelectric effect featured by recharging and discharging in two-phase media. The controlling equations of seismoelectric waves based on this theory have been derived. Furthermore, simultaneously numerical simulation of the features of dynamics and kinematics of seismoelectric waves was preformed using the controlling equations for the first time. Study of these features was carried.
Progress in Exploration Geophysics
国家自然科学基金项目 :双相介质中震电效应和震电波场传播理论 (4 0 2 740 45 )