
一个新的(t,N-2)弹性的Mix Net 被引量:3

A New (t,N-2)-Resilience Mix Net
摘要 Mixnet是实现匿名通信、电子投票选举、电子支付以及电子投标的有力工具 .该文建立了 (t,N - 2 )Mixnet模型 ,利用Shamir门限方案、ElGamal公钥体制、零知识证明等密码技术设计了一个基于这个模型的Mixnet协议 .该协议将同一密文组让不同的两个服务器组进行盲化解密示证和比较 ,从而使得该协议具有 (t - 1,N - 2 ) AA弹性及秘密性、正确性和可验证性等优点 ,同时通信量和计算量方面也少于已知的基于ElGamal公钥体制的可验证Mixnet协议 . A model of (t, N-2)-resilience Mix net is set up. A Mix net protocol based on the model is presented with the primitive cryptography tools of Shamir secret share scheme, ElGamal public key system, zero -knowledge and so on. Given an array of encrypt messages, two different groups of mix servers blind and decrypt the same array, then compare them, and finally publish the correct deciphered text on bulletin board. Our Mix net protocol mainly has the following properties: (1) The output of Mix net is(t,N-2) AA-resilience that means the Mix net can also output right the decipher text and can not find the relationship between the input and output although there are N-2 malicious users among N senders and t-1 dishonest servers in t servers which may cooperate; (2) Because of the ElGamal public key system the input length of Mix net does not change with the number of Mix net servers; (3) The communication and computing cost is less than that of other verifiable Mix nets that we know presently due to the technique of dividing Mix net servers into two groups .
出处 《计算机学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2003年第10期1361-1365,共5页 Chinese Journal of Computers
基金 国家自然科学基金 ( 60 0 73 0 5 2 )资助
关键词 密码 匿名通信 (t N-2)弹性 MixNet 可验证性 秘密性 正确性 Mix net confidentiality correctness verifiability
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