对裂齿矩形翅片板翅式换热器中的裂齿矩形翅片的传热效率作了分析,并以单位质量材耗的换热能力最大为目标函数,分析研究了在不同雷诺数(Re)的操作条件下裂齿矩形翅片间角度、翅片厚、长度、宽度及板厚之间的关系.结果表明:在气体换热的场合下,当Re在某一范围时翅片可有效地起到强化传热的作用.当板厚为5 mm,翅片厚为3 mm,翅片间夹角为45°~70°,Re为2×103~8×103,最佳翅片纵向间距与翅片长度和翅片厚度乘积的平方根的比为1.5~2.5,最佳翅片尺寸系数为3~5时,传热强化效果较好.
The heat transfer efficiency of the split-fins in plate heat exchangers was analyzed. The relationships were investigated among the construction parameters of the split fins in the plate heat exchanger in terms of the thickness, width and length of the fins, and the thickness of the plate and the Re number based on the function of the greatest heat transfer ability per unit weight of heat exchanger and per unit temperature difference. The results indicated that the split fins could enhance heat transfer when Re number was within a certain scope and using gas as working substance. When the thickness of the plate was defined as 5mm, the thickness of the fins was defined as 3mm, the value of a was between 45° and 70° and the Re number was between 2 × 103 and 8 × 103, the optimal ratio of the fin spacing interval and square root of the product of fin width and thickness was between 1. 5 and 2. 5 and the optimal ratio of the fin length and square root of the product of fin width and thickness was between 3 and 5, the heat transfer enhancing effect was better.
Petroleum Processing and Petrochemicals