通过对健宝、牧特利、科多4号3种饲料作物草产量及营养品质进行比较试验,结果表明:健宝与牧特利草产量及营养品质均优于科多4号,其中健宝草产量略高于牧特利,牧特利营养品质好于健宝。健宝、牧特利二次刈割鲜草产量、粗蛋白产量均与其一次刈割差异达极显著水平(P<0 01)。健宝、牧特利以青刈利用为宜,科多4号以青贮利用为宜。
Yields and nutritive qualities of Jumbo, Nutrifeed and Keduo4 forage crops were studied on the Xiliaohe Plain in Inner Mongolia Yield and nutritive quality of Jumbo and Nutrifeed were higher than those of Keduo4The nutritive quality of Nutrifeed was better than Jumbo, while the forage yield of Jumbo was slightly higher than Nutrifeed The Jumbo and Nutrifeed first cut yields of fresh forage and crude protein were very significantly higher than those of the second cut (P<001) Jumbo and Nutrifeed were suitable for green direct harvest and use while Keduo4 was suitable for silage
Pratacultural Science