After observing the water transport at leaf-atmosphere interface of typical c rop system, it is proved that the water vapor transfer flux is determined by the construction of plant community. The variation of water vapor transfer flux at l eaf-atmosphere interface of a stable community is not only apparently affected by soil moisture and meteorological condition but also by plant physiological me chanism. Transpiration velocity has daily variation. The analysis show that the net radiation,saturated-air water vapor balance,air temperature,surface tempera ture and wind speed have highly significant influence on transpiration (positive correlation). The net radiation and air temperature are the main factors. Stoma tal conductivity of leaf reflects its transpiration velocity and the daily varia tion of stomatal resistance is the plant response to meteorological condition. S tomatal resistance is strongly affected by soil moisture. By improving growth co ndition of crop,adjusting stomatal action, harmonizing crop transpiration and wa ter-consuming restriction of photosynthesis,the water vapor transfer at leaf -atmosphere can be adjusted and controlled and the water use efficiency of crop can be increased.
Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture