文章总结分析了某军区医院控制 SARS院内感染的主要做法 :领导重视 ,建立健全制度 ,医院对感染控制进一步规范 ;调整科室 ,分区隔离收治 ,确保人流物流符合防护要求 ;加强宣教 ,注重业务培训 ,增强了个人防护意识和能力 ;严格消毒 ,加强个人防护 ,确保易感人群免受感染发病。认为无论何种传染病 ,也不管其病因和传播途径是否清楚 ,只要严格遵循传染病的防治原则 ,严把传染病防治的三个环节 ,加强院内感染监督检查力度 ,平时养成良好的工作习惯 ,严格落实各项规章制度 。
The author summarized and analyzed the main methods of hospital infection control of SARS of a army area hospital as followed, highly regard by leaders and improve regulations to standardize hospital infection control of SARS, regulate sections and receive different patients in separate wards to ensure the transport of people and materials as desired, strengthen education and training to improve the self protect ability of staff, rigidly disinfect and enforce self safety to prevent the high risk group from being infected. The author concluded that the cross infection in hospital can be prevented effectively by means of rigidly abiding the prevention and cure principle of infectious disease, controlling three key spreading steps of infectious diseases, enhancing the inspection of hospital infection, forming correct working habit, putting all rules and regulations into effect no matter what kind of infectious disease it is and no matter if it's etiological factors and modes of spread are clear.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army