从该总医院为部队服务的实践出发 ,阐述了新时期医院优先优质服务部队应把握的重点环节 :强化职能意识 ,保证在思想认识上优先服务部队 ;构建绿色通道 ,保证在就医途径上优先服务部队 ;优化资源配置 ,保证在医疗资源上优质服务部队 ;延伸服务功能 ,保证在技术辐射上优质服务部队。
From the practice of the general hospital, the author generalized the key points of serving the army first and high quality at new era as increasing awareness of function to ensure serving the army first mentally, building green passage to ensure the soldiers obtaining medical service first, optimizing resource allocation to ensure serving the army with enough health resource and extending the service function to accelerate the technique improvement in army.
Hospital Administration Journal of Chinese People's Liberation Army