选符合诊断标准的支气管哮喘患者 10 0例 ,随机分为治疗组、对照组各 5 0例。治疗组给予活血化瘀法配合西医解痉平喘抗炎治疗 ,对照组仅用西药治疗 ,均治疗 15天。结果 :治疗组治愈 33例 ,好转 14例 ,无效 3例 ,总有效率为 94 .0 %(95 % CI=82 .9%~ 98.7% ) ;对照组治愈 2 1例 ,好转 10例 ,无效 19例 ,总有效率为 6 2 .0 % (95 % CI=4 8.6 %~ 75 .5 % ) ;两组综合疗效比较 ,有明显差异 (u=2 .896 0 ,P=0 .0 0 6 0 )。对治愈患者随访表明 ,治疗组复发率为 18.18% (6 / 33,95 % CI=5 .0 2 %~ 31.34% ) ,对照组为 6 1.90 % (13/ 2 1,95 % CI=4 1.13%~ 82 .6 7% ) ,差异显著 (χ2 =10 .75 78,P<0 .0 1)。近期疗效的 OR为0 .10 (95 % CI=0 .0 3~ 0 .38) ,NNT=3(95 % CI=2 .0 7~ 6 .35 ) ;远期疗效的 OR为 0 .18(95 % CI=0 .0 5~ 0 .6 1) ,NNT=2(95 % CI=1.4 1~ 6 .0 6 )
cases of bronchus asthma were randomly divided into two groups,50 cases were treated with the methods of promoting blood circulation and removing blood stasis,relieving spasm and preventing asthma and anti inflammatory therapy.50 cases treated only with western medicine were set up as the control group.The therapeutic course was 15 days.Results:In the treatment group,33 cases were cured,14 cases turned better,3 cases ineffective.The total effective rate was 94.0%(95%CI=82.9%~98.7%).In the control group,21 cases cured,10 cases turned better,19 cases ineffective,the total effective rate was 62.0%(95%CI=48.6%~75.5%).The difference between the two groups was notable(u=2.8960,P=0.0060).The follow up study to the cured patients indicated that the reoccurrence rate in the treatment group was 18.18%(6/33,95%CI=5.02%~31.34%).In the control group,it was 61.90%(13/21,95%CI=41.13%~82.67%).The difference was notable(χ 2=10.7578,P<0.01). The recent result OR=0.10(95%CI=0.03~0.38), NNT=3 ( 95%CI=2.07~6.35 ) The late result OR=0.18 ( 95%CI=0.05~ 0.61),NNT=2(95%CI=1.41~6.06).
Shanxi Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine
promoting the blood circulation and removing the stagnation
therapy of integrated TCM and WM