目的 :观察和比较在手术麻醉中应用罗哌卡因与赛地合剂 (利多卡因与地卡因的混合液 )的感觉和运动阻滞效果。 方法 :选择骨科安装Ilizarov固定器及骨科下肢手术患者各 38例 ,分为罗哌卡因组和赛地合剂组两组 ,均行硬膜外麻醉 ,观察两种药物对感觉、运动阻滞的程度。 结果 :罗哌卡因与赛地合剂同样具有完善的镇痛作用 ,但罗哌卡因对运动阻滞的程度弱于赛地合剂 ,两者发生不良反应的情况均较少。 结论 :罗哌卡因有运动阻滞弱、镇痛完善等优点 ,因此安装Ilizarov固定器的患者手术麻醉时以采用罗哌卡因为宜 ,以便术中穿克氏针时作唤醒实验 ,及时避免神经、血管损伤。
Objective: To observate and compare the aneathesiatic efficiency of ropivacaine and salovacaine dicaine mixture. Methods: Thirty eight patients, ASA1~2, scheduled for extreme and bone surgery using Ilizarov instrument were randomized into two groups, each was performed spinal aneasthasia with ropivacaine or salovacaine dicaine mixture and the anesthesiatic efficiency (the efficiency of separation of feeling and motion) were observed and compared. Result: Ropivacaine and salovacaine both have good anethesiatic efficiency, but the degree of motion blocking of ropivacaine is lower than salovacaine. The rate of side effect is low. Conclusions: Ropivacaine has lower effect of motion blocking and better anesthesiatic efficiency, so to perform persistent spinal anesthesia of the operation which used Ilizarov instrument, ropivacaine is better than salovacaine by this, we can avoid being injuried nerve and vascular.
Journal of Xinjiang Medical University