目的:了解硬膜外麻醉单次快速给药时药物的弥散性及方向性。方法:特施行硬膜外麻醉的患者随机分两组,实验组快速给予麻醉药及显影剂(30 ml/s),对照组常规给予麻醉药(附加显影剂),药物弥散性及方向由放射自显影法探测。结果:实验组麻醉平面增加约30%,阻滞确切,与对照组有显著性差异(P<0.01),并发现药物流动方向与穿刺针斜面方向有关。结论:硬膜外麻醉单次快速给药较传统方法更为有效,不良反应更少,药物流动方向与穿刺针斜面同向。
Objective: To study the dispersion and direction in single rapid injection during epidural anesthesia. Methods: All patients were selected randomly when underwent epidural anesthesia,local anesthetic and tracer were injected into epidural space(30 ml/sec) .while the controlled group followed conventional procedure( added by tracer). The dispersion and direction were detected by autoradiography. Results: Rapid injection increases block plane about 30% , there is significant difference between two groups( P<10.01) . The direction minister relates to the bevel of puncture needle. Conclusions:single rapid injection during epidural anesthesia is more effectiveness untoward reaction than conventional method, the direction of which attributes to the bevel of puncture needle.
Chinese Medical Journal of Metallurgical industry