目的 探讨高位胆管癌的诊断方法和外科治疗的疗效。方法 对 1995年 1月~ 2 0 0 0年 12月我院收治的 32例高位胆管癌的临床特点、诊断、手术方法和随诊结果进行回顾性分析。结果 手术切除 12例 ,切除率为 37.5 %。其中行根治性切除 9例 ,均存活 18个月以上。姑息性切除 3例 ,2例存活超过 18个月。内、外引流术 2 0例 ,均于术后 1~ 18个月内死亡。结论 根治性切除可显著延长患者生存期 。
Objective To evalute the diagnosis and treatment on high cholangiocarcinoma.Methods The alata from clinical features,diagnosis,surgical therapy and long term result were retrospectively analysed on 32 cases with high cholangiocarcinoma admitted into our hospital from Jan.1995 to Nov.2000.Results Tumor resection was performed on 12 cases with a resection rate of 37.5%,including radical resection in 9 cases (the survival period was more than 18 months).Palliative resection was arrived out on 3 cases (2 cases' survival period was more than 18 months). 20 cases who treated by interal or external drainage sruvived for 1~18 months.Conclusion Radical resection definitely prolongs survival period,which is the first choice for the treatment of high cholangiocarcinoma.
Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery
cholangio carcinoma