
喂饲三唑磷6个月对大鼠效应生物标志物的影响 被引量:4

Effect Biomarkers in Rats Fed with Triazophos for Six Months
摘要 [目的]探讨大鼠6个月摄入有机磷杀虫剂三唑磷 (Hoe02960)对效应生物标志物的影响。[方法]用含三唑磷0(对照组 )、3、100mg/kg饲料喂饲SD大鼠连续6个月,3个剂量组每组动物20只,雌雄各半。于染毒前和染毒后第2、4、6、26周分别取大鼠的血液分析全血胆碱酯酶(BChE)、血浆胆碱酯酶(PChE)和红细胞胆碱酯酶(EChE)活性 ;于第26周分别取大鼠的尿和血 ,作尿和血常规及生化指标测定 ,同时进行动物肝、脾等脏器的病理检查。[结果]各剂量组大鼠6个月内均无死亡,体重增重、脏器系数均无明显差异。2周时100mg/kg剂量组BChE活性显著降低 ;4周时3、100mg/kg剂量组活性降低(P<0.05,P<0.01) ;6周时100mg/kg剂量组活性降低有显著性。各剂量组BChE的抑制率在第四周最高 ,雌鼠100mg/kg抑制率达到21.8 % ,其他各剂量组抑制率均<20 % ,BChE活性在第六周开始逐渐回复 ,PChE情况与BChE相似。各剂量组EChE的抑制率随摄食时间增加而升高 ,至26周时3、100mg/kg剂量组活性降低有显著性 ,3mg/kg雄、雌大鼠抑制率分别为5.6 %和6.0 % ;100mg/kg雄、雌大鼠抑制率分别为10.6%和11.4 % ,血液碱性磷酸酶 (AKP)活性明显升高 ,RBC和Hb明显降低。病理组织学检查发现100mg/kg剂量组肝脏肝细胞浊肿及空泡变性 ;脾有淤血、见色素沉着。[结论]BChE、 Toprobe intothe effect biomarkers inrats fed withtriazophos forsixmonths. Three dose groups were setup.10male and10female Sprague Dawley rats of eachgroup were fed with animal feed containingtriazophos at0(control),3and100mg/kg for six months.Blood samples were collected for week0,2,4,6and26to measure blood cholinesterase(BChE),plasma cholinesterase(PChE)and erythrocyte cholinesterase(EChE).Blood and urine were collected forweek26toperformblood and urine routine testand measure alkaline phosphatase(AKP)activityin blood.No death of rats teated was observed duringthe sixmonths.The rat body weight and organ coefficientin the dose groups were not different fromthose in the control group.The BChE activity in100mg/kg group decreased significantly for week2,butin3and100mg/kg groups very significantly for week4,and also for week6for10mg/kg group.The BChEinhibitionin all dose groups was the highestforweek4.The BChEinhibition in the female rats fed with100mg/kgwas as highas21.8%,whilethatwas less than20%inotherdose groups and male rats.The BChEinhibitionbegantorevertfromweek6.The situaˉtionofPchEwas almostthe same as BchE.The BChEactivityinall dosegroups was motchangedforweek2,4and6,butitdecreasedobviousˉlyforweek26.The inhibitioninall dose groups rose alongwiththe increase offeed_intake time by10.6%and11.4%for100mg/kg,5.6%and6.0%for3mg/kg for male and female rats,respectively.The blood AKP activity increased obviously.The number of red blood cell(RBC)and percentage of hemoglobin(Hb)in100mg/kggroup decreased obviously.Pathological examination found cloudy swelling and vacuolardegenerationinthe livercells in100mg/kggroup alongwithgore and pigmentsedimentationinthe spleen.[Conclusion]Itis conˉcluded that BChE and PChE might be considered as exposure biomarkers for triazophos in early stage(fromweek2to6)of exposure,RBC and Hb alongwith AKP are as cholinesterase parallel biomarkers for exposure to triazophos.Although the EChE changed during the experiˉment,it needs further study whether it may be considered as a toxic effect biomarker.
出处 《环境与职业医学》 CAS 北大核心 2003年第5期369-373,共5页 Journal of Environmental and Occupational Medicine
关键词 三唑磷 大鼠 效应生物标志物 胆碱酯酶 红细胞 急性农药中毒 organophosphorous pesticides biomarker cholinesterase alkaline phosphatase red blood cell
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