目的 研究合肥市儿童青少年体质与健康现状及发展趋势。方法 利用 1991年与 2 0 0 0年 2次全国学生体质与健康调研资料 ,对合肥市 7~ 18a中小学生的生长发育、运动能力及常见病进行分析。结果 合肥市儿童青少年 10年体格指标仍呈正性增长 ,城市学生体重和胸围增长更为明显 ,但体格增长的速度已趋缓慢。生理功能指标和运动素质指标无明显改善。与营养改善和卫生条件改善有关的常见病下降 ,但与学习和不良生活方式有关的常见病上升。体格指标、运动能力和常见病指标大多较全国平均水平差。结论 合肥市儿童青少年的身体素质总体水平在下降 ,应引起各级政府和有关部门高度重视。
Objective To examine the current condition and the changing trends of physique and health status among children and adolescents in Hefei. Methods The data about national survey on 7~22 years old Chinese students' physique and health status in 1991 and 2000 were used to analyze the current condition and the changing trends in recent 10 years of the growth and development, health status and sport constitution of the primary and middle school students in Hefei. Results The physique data of children and adolescents in Hefei were increasing recent 10 years. The weight and chest measurement were increased greatly in city students. But the increased speed was slow. Physiological function and sport constitution were not increased but lowered, the common diseases related to nutrition and health were lowered and that related to study and bad lived-formation were increased. The growth and development, health status and sport constitution of the children and adolescents in Hefei were lower than that of whole Chinese students'. Conclusions The physique constitution of the children and adolescents in Hefei was lowering, it should be especially paid attention by government and the related departments.
Chinese Journal of Disease Control and Prevention