目的 将多聚抗原肽 (MAPs)技术用于免疫测定 ,为诊断戊型肝炎寻找更好的诊断试剂盒。方法 根据戊型肝炎病毒 (HEV)开放阅读框架 2 (ORF2 )中含有的抗原表位 ,从戊型肝炎病毒中国株蛋白的氨基酸序列中选取S 30段抗原肽 ,用固相合成法分别进行化学合成普通线形抗原肽和MAPs肽段 ,并用ELISA分别检测其抗原性。结果 与国外试剂盒相比较 ,两者的符合率有差异。但MAPs肽段的符合率高于普通线形抗原肽 ,在检测灵敏度、特异性上MAPs肽段明显优于普通线形抗原肽。结论 以单一的戊型肝炎的抗原表位肽检测戊型肝炎存在漏检。在MAPs技术的基础上 ,合成多肽抗原的灵敏度得到明显提高。
Objective To search after better antigen peptides and apply to EIA kit using the method of MAPs.Methods Based on the antigen epitopes included in ORF2 C terminal HEV, the C terminal sequence 607 to 636 of Chinese strain HEV was selected. One linear antigen peptides and one MAPs were synthesized in term of the sequence by the method of solid phase peptides synthesize (SPPS) respectively ,and their antigenicity were detected by ELISA?Results The correlation were different between the two kinds of snythetic peptides and the Genelab kit in detecting the positive serum of acute HEV patients, but MAPs has higher sensitivity and speciality than linear peptides.Conclusion In the HEV EIA kit, there is false negative coated only by one type HEV antigen peptides, MAPs can enhance the sensitivity in detecting HEV distinctly.
Chinese Youjiang Medical Journal