目的 探讨磁共振成像 (MRl)对人工耳蜗植入术前耳蜗与蜗神经形态学的评估价值。 方法 对 10 1例听觉障碍患者 ,在行人工耳蜗植入前 ,进行内耳与内耳道的MRI水成像检查。 结果 10 1例中耳蜗与蜗神经显示正常 89例 ;耳蜗异常 12例 ,其中伴有蜗神经变细或不显示 4例 (耳 )。 结论 行人工耳蜗植入前应常规进行MRI检查 。
Objective To evaluate the effect of MRI on assessing morphology of cochlea and cochlear nerve before cochear implantation. Methods One haundred and one patients with deafness were undergone the cochlea and cochlear nerve examination with MRI before cochlear implantation. Results The cochleas and cochlear nerves of 89 patients were in good status;cochlear malformation were found in 12 patients,4 of them accompanied with cochlear nerve malformation. Conclusion MRI should be routinely performed before cochlear implantation in order to know the morphological characterics of cochlea and cochlear nerve.
Modern Practical Medicine