
覆盖式生物造礁作用 被引量:1

出处 《沈阳黄金学院学报》 1992年第1期7-11,共5页
  • 相关文献


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  • 7Feng Zengzhao, Yang Yuqing and Bao Zhidong. 1999. Lithofacies Paleogeography of Carboniferous of South China. Journal of Palaeogeography, 1(1): 75 - 86 (in Chinese with English abstract )
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  • 9Gong Enpu, Guan Changqing, Sun Baoliang and Yao Yuzeng. 2003. The study of large-sized Carboniferous reef in Qiannan region. Science in China(Series D), 33 (7):644- 649 (in Chinese with English abstract)
  • 10Gong Enpu and Yang Hongying. 1992. The biology building-reef action of draping type. Journal of Shenyang Gold Institute, 11(1): 7 - 11(in Chinese with English abstract)










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