目的 探讨泌尿系支原体与沙眼衣原体合并感染与性传播疾病的关系 ,为临床提供实验室诊断依据。 方法 对临床拟诊为泌尿系感染 ,具有典型尿路刺激征 ,近期未服用抗生素的患者取尿道分泌物 ,用法国生物—梅里埃公司生产的MycoplasmaIST支原体培养鉴定及药敏试剂进行支原体 [解脲支原体 (Uu)和人型支原体 (Mh) ]培养和鉴定 ;用英国OXOID公司生产的沙眼衣原体 (Ct)检测卡检测沙眼衣原体抗原。 结果 10 80例泌尿系感染患者支原体感染 4 72例 ,感染率为 4 3 7% ,其中Uu 4 6 5例 ,感染率 4 3 1% ;Mh 15 4例 ,感染率14 3% ;而Uu和Mh合并感染者 14 7例 ,感染率 13 6 % ;衣原体阳性 2 0 1例 ,感染率为 18 6 % ;而衣原体与支原体同时阳性者 16 0例 ,感染率为 14 8%。 结论 开展支原体培养及沙眼衣原体的检测对临床确诊非淋菌性尿道炎有着积极重要的作用 。
Objective To discuss the relationship of the concurrent infection of Ureaplasma Urealyticums and Chlamydia trachomas with sexually transmitted diseases,and providing laboratorial reference for clinic.Methods Getting secretions from the sufferer with typical urinary irritative symptom that were diagnosed as urinary infection,and not taking antibiotic in the near term.Those specimens were cultured in the culture mediums that were from French Biomerieux Company to separate and identify Ureaplasma Urealyticums(Uu) and Mycoplasma hominis(Mh).We detected Chlamydia Trachomatics antigens in those by Ct-test card that were from English Oxoid Company.Results In 1080 specimens of sufferers with urinary infection,465 Ureaplasma Uurealyticums strains were isolated (43 1%),and 154 mycoplasma hominis strains were isolated (14 3%),and 147 strains of Ureaplasma Urealyticuns and Mycoplasma hominis were isolated (13.6%).201 Chlamydia Trachoma strains were isolated (18 6%),the infection of both 160 cases(14.8%).Conclusion Culturing Ureaplasma Urealyticums and detecting Chlamydia Trachomas are important to diagnose nongoncocal urethritis and its therapy.
Journal of Medical Forum