
武警部队战士新训期体能训练特点和结构研究 被引量:3

Study on the character and structure of physical training for armed police soldiers in the first training stage
摘要 目的:采用心率和血乳酸两类指标对新训期战士的体能训练课进行监测调查,并对不同训练日的体能训练课的结构安排进行分析,以期能够为战士体能训练计划的制定提供基础数据和资料。方法:2003年新训战士209名,年龄(19±1)岁,身高(168±5)cm,体质量(65±6)kg。按照战士实际训练的课次安排,连续进行37个课次的生理负荷(生理负担量)检测,训练课中主项练习负荷结束即刻测定血乳酸和心率。结果:通过计算运动量指数表明,大量课和最大量课的负荷安排占了37个体能训练日的58.5%,训练课的平均心率为(143±10)次/min,平均最高心率为(177±10)次/min,170次/min以上的心率占18.2%,对于新训战士来说,这样的负荷安排会对机体产生较大刺激,运动负荷较高。由于训练方式的不同血乳酸和心率值变化较大,血乳酸为:(3.22±0.46)~(11.89±0.91)mmol/L,心率为:(130±10)~(189±11)次/min。结论:武警战士新训期体能训练课的负荷强度较大,大量课和最大量课安排较多,体现发展有氧运动能力的训练内容和手段相对较少。 AIM:To investigate and monitor the physical training of recruits in the first training stage by using the indice of serum lactic acid(SLA) and heart rate(HR), and analyze the structure of training arrangement in order to provide basic sta tistics and information for making up optimum training plan. METHODS: 209 newly trained soldiers were selected[aged(19±1)years,height(1 68±5)cm,weight(65±6)kg]。During the term of physical training, we make a su rvey of physical load on 37 successive training days,the SLA and HR were measure d as soon as the main training course finished. RESULTS: The index of exercise amount suggested that the big and the biggest t raining load amounted to 58.5% of the whole training days,the average training HR was (143±10)beats/min,the average biggest was (177±10)beats/min,the HR mo re than 170 beats/min was 18.2% ,for the newly trained soldiers,this kind of a rrangement of training load could produce strong stimulation,the exercise load w as a little higher.There was a big changing range of SLA and HR,the former was(3 .22±0.46)-(11.89±0.91) mmol/L,the latter was(130±10)-(189±11)beats/ min.
出处 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2003年第27期3782-3783,共2页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation
基金 武警部队后勤部科技革新项目(WKH2003004)~~
关键词 武警战士 新训期 体能训练 心率 血乳酸 生理负荷 There is a bigger training load intensity for soldiers,the big amou nt of load and the biggest are arranged too much,but the training content and me thods embodying aerobic training capacity are relatively fewer.
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