Cuiluzaosigua is a new F 1 hybrid by crossing self-line N0.2with self-line N0.3.The variety grows vigorously with high resistance to downy mildew and powdery mildew.The first fruit setting is7-8nodes.In contrast to the control va-riety Changsharousigua,its harvest time is5-7days earlier.The fruit is stick shaped with green skin and tender flesh.It tastes sweet.The individual fruit in average is26-28cm long and6.5-7.0cm diameter with a weight of450g.It yields37.5-45t·hm -2 ,30%higher than that of the control variety.It is suitable for open field and protected cultivation.This variety has been extended to Hunan,Hubei,Sichuan,Jiangxi,Guangxi etc.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables