
日本三陆沿岸白胸拟鼠海豚体内铁的蓄积(英文) 被引量:3

Accumulation of iron in Dall's porpoise Phocoenoides dalli off the Sanriku coast of Japan
摘要 根据22头日本三陆沿岸白胸拟鼠海豚的检测结果,研究了必需元素铁在13种组织和器官中的蓄积特征。肺、肝脏和脾脏中铁的浓度显著高于其它脏器,铁在皮肤和鲸脂中的浓度却非常低。研究发现,鲸类肝脏中铁的平均浓度与其最大潜水持续时间有着极其显著的正相关(y=285.17x0.5267;r2=0.92;y:a肝脏中铁的平均浓度,单位为μg·g-1干重;x:最大潜水持续时间,单位为min)。利用该关系式,首次推测白胸拟鼠海豚的最大潜水持续时间为11.85min。 The 13 tissues (liver, kidney, muscle, bone, skin, heart, lung, intestine, blubber, spleen, pancreas, fore stomach and main stomach) of 22 Dall's porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli) (11♂ and 11 ♀) off Sanriku coast of northern Japan were measured for iron (Fe) bioavailability. Particularly higher Fe concentrations were found in the lung, liver and spleen than the remains. Lower Fe concentrations were recorded in skin and blubber. Hepatic Fe concentration positively correlated with maximum duration of dives among cetacean species (y=285.17x^(0.5267); r^2= 0.92; y: average hepatic Fe concentrations in μg·g^(-1) dry weight; x: maximum diving duration in min). Using this correlation, the maximum duration of dives of Dall's porpoise was estimated as 11.85 min.
出处 《水产学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第5期420-424,共5页 Journal of Fisheries of China
关键词 白胸拟鼠海豚 蓄积 检测 最大潜水持续时间 Phocoenoides dalli iron accumulation
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