目的 分析重庆地区耳鼻咽喉科就诊患者中头颈恶性肿瘤的发病情况。方法 回顾分析1980年7月~2002年5月我院耳鼻咽喉科门诊、病房的患者中经活检后病理证实的恶性肿瘤发病和分布情况。结果 病理确诊耳鼻咽喉科恶性肿瘤1721例,其中咽部肿瘤698例,占首位,喉部肿瘤571例,食管肿瘤246例,鼻部肿瘤171例,耳部肿瘤最少,仅占35例。结论 男性发病率较女性高,但各年龄段均有分布,以41~61岁的中壮年为最,喉及食管鳞癌更为多见。
Objective To investigate the prevalence of malignancies in the region of ear, nose and throat in Chongqing district. Methods A retrospective study was carried out based on a group of cases of 1721 treated in our hospital from 1980 to 2002, all of them being diagnosed on the basis of histopathology. Results Among the 1721 cases, 698 were seen with malignant tumors in pharynx, 571 with malignant lesion in larynx, 246 with this lesion in esophagus, 171 with it in nasal region, and 31 with malignancies in aural region. Here, the frequency of malignancy distributing was the highest in pharynx and the lowest in aural region. Conclusion The incidence of this kind of malignancies holds a sex ratio of 6. 3 : 1 between males and females and a most prevalent tendency of age among middle aged and elder people from 41-61 years old. In this population, malignancies in larynx and esophagus are especially commonly seen in clinic in Chongqing district.
Chinese Journal of Otorhinolaryngology in Integrative Medicine