目的 :探讨学龄前儿童男女正常肝脏各径线超声测值的差异性。材料与方法 :通过大样本抽样测查学龄前儿童男女正常肝脏右叶最大斜径、肝右叶前后径、肝右叶横径、左半肝厚度、左半肝长度、呼气时肝右锁骨中线肋缘下厚度和长度、吸气时肝右锁骨中线肋缘下厚度和长度九个测值。结果 :九个测值中部分测值有显著的性别差异 ,随着年龄的增长男女之间肝脏测值有显著差异的个数逐渐增多 ,并进行统计学比较男女学龄前儿童肝脏部分径线在发育中存在着差异。结论
Purpose:The aim of this study was to investigate the difference of diameters measured by ultrasound between male and female preschool-age children′s normal livers.Materials and Methods:The maximal oblique diameter of right lobe,the transverse diameter of right lobe,the anteroposterior diameter of right lobe,the thickness and length of left lobe,and the length and thickness of right lobe inferior costal margin in the mid-clavicular line in inspiratory and expiratory phase of male and female preschool-age children′s normal livers wrer measured by ultrasound in a large sample.Results:Analysed by statistical methods,there were obvious sexual differences in some measurements between male and female preschool-age children′s livers.Among the nine kinds of measurements,the number which had differences increased with growth of age.Conclusions:To establish the ultrasonic measurement scope of preschool-age childern's normal livers,we should appropriately considerate the sexual difference.
Modern Medical Imageology