摘要The elliptic differential equations of second order ∑i,j=1 n Di[Aij(x,y)Djy]+P(x,y)+Q(x,y,△y)=e(x),x∈Ω will be considered in an exterior domain Ω包含于R^n,n≥2。Some oscillation criteria are given by integral averaging technique.
1ZHANG BINGGEN,ZHAO TAO,B. S. LALLI (Department of Mathematics, Ocean University of Qingdao, Qingdao 266003, China.)(Department of Mathematics, Arizona State University, U.S.A.)(Departmemt of Mathematics, University of Saskatchewan, Canada.).OSCILLATION CRITERIA FOR NONLINEAR SECOND ORDER ELLIPTIC DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS[J].Chinese Annals of Mathematics,Series B,1996,17(1):89-102. 被引量:12
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