面对看我国国有企业改革进入攻坚阶段 ,失业与再就业问题已成为关系中国经济能否持续发展和社会能否长治久安的重大社会问题 ,从而引起社会和人民的普遍关注时 ,陈成文同志作为一名青年社会学理论工作者 ,从社会学角度对失业与再就业进行研究。这一研究成果 ,能为国家和有关政府部门解决失业 。
At the very stage of fortifying the statc-owned enterprises reform, the social problem of unenmployment and re-employment is critical to the sustainable development of China's economy and the maintenance of social long-term stabilyty Chen cheng-weng, a young sociologist, has made a professional study on the problem. which will provide policy-making and great theoretieal support for the state and the related government departments to solve the problem of unemployment and to promote the project of re-cmployment.
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College