在新世纪曙光升起前夕 ,江泽民同志高瞻远瞩提出了“西部大开发”战略。这是事关全局的大战略 ,要坚决摒弃大开垦 ;是全国发展的大思路 ,要坚决摒弃大开采 ;是可持续发展的大课题 ,要坚决摒弃大圈地。
On the eve of the new century, comrade Jiang Ze-min took a broad and long view to raise a strategic conception of 'General Development of West Part of China'. It is a great strategy, involving the whole situation. It is a great train of thought, rejecting resolutely wide-range extraction. It is a great subject of sustainable development, rejecting resolutely large-area enclosure.
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College