在党委直接领导下的纪委 ,不仅要履行对一般党员干部的纪律监督 ,更要担负起对同级党委及班子成员的监督。在目前纪检监督体制中存在着自身一些弊端 ,无法改变现阶段体制的情况下 ,应该正视客观现实 ,采取相应的对策 ,加强对党委及班子成员的有效监督。
The Party's Commission for discipline inspection, under the direct leadership of the party committee is required to conduct supervision not only over ordinary party members but preferably over the committee and its members. But with some built in defects in the discipline inspection system, which can't be altered at present, we can't lose sight of the facts and here I am pushed into coming up with some tentative suggestions for more efficient supervision
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College