江泽民总书记“三个代表”的思想 ,是新时期对我党的性质、宗旨和根本任务的新概括 ,是对马克思主义建党学说的新发展 ,是对各级党组织和党员干部提出的新要求 ,是我党的立党之本、执政之基、力量之源。认真学习、领会其深刻内涵和精神实质 ,有利于提高我党在新时期的执政水平、领导水平、拒腐防变能力和抵御风险的能力。
General secretary Jiang Ze-min's theory of the 'three representarives' is the new generality of our Party's character,aim and task in the new era. The theory makes the new development of the Party building theory of Marxism, makes the new demands on the leaders of our Party at all levels, which is our Party 's foundation of the Party building, basic of leadership and source of its capability. To study and to master the spirutual essence of the 'three representatives' can help our to form a defence of resistance and avoidance the corruption.
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College