说明和分析了“12 9”教学模式的内容与特征 ,分析论述了“12 9”教学模式的育人功能 ,并从哲学、教育心理学和学法原理等方面探讨了该教学模式功能效应的发生机制 ,从而使教学系统成为一种在自组织、自调控、自发展等方面能力较强的有机系统。
Based apon the experience of teaching reform in class, the writen explains and owatyses the confent and the featares of '129' teaching mode. According to the theories of philosophy, psycholosy of education and the rule of study he makes researches on the gonerafive system of the effects of the mode, and analyses the mode's fanction of teaching people. He also sfates that teaching system can became an organic system to sfrengthen the students ability in self-organization, self-control and self-development.
Journal of Huaihua Teachers College