用50μmol/L GM_3处理J6-2细胞6天,经组化与细胞学检查,证实细胞沿单核巨噬细胞途径分化。以[^(32)P]Pi或[CH_3-^(14)C]胆碱冲激(Pulse)后,将洗净的细胞进行Folch分配。取下相进行薄层层析,再做放射自显影。结果表明:GM_3的处理能促进[^(32)P]Pi或[CH_3-^(14)C]胆碱向磷脂酰胆碱的参入,而抑制向其他磷脂组分的参入。用[CH_3-^(14)C]胆碱冲激的Folch分配上相含水溶性胆碱代谢物,经TLC,结果表明CM_3的处理使[CH_3-^(14)C]胆碱向CDP-胆碱的参入减少。本研究证实,GM_3能调节J6-2细胞的磷脂代谢,其调节机制值得研究。
J6-2 cells,trcated with 50*********umol/L GM3, were shown by histochemical and cytological examination to differentiate along monocytic-macrophage route.After treatment, the cells ware harvested and washed and pulsed in a medium with [32P]Pi or [Cd3-14C] choline.Then the cells were washed and subjected to Folch partition.The lower phase was applied to HPTLC plate and developed.By densitom-etric scanning and autoradiography, the results showed that GM3 treatment caused an increase in the incorporation of [32P]Pi and [CH3-14C] choline into phosphatidylch-oline, and a decrease of the incorporation of the radioactive tracers into other pho-spholipid components.The results provide evidences that phospholipid metabolism could in someway be regulated by ganglioside GM3.