采用问卷调查法、数理统计法 ,探讨大学高水平运动员心理行为的适应状况和特点 ,为有效地加强大学高水平运动员的管理和培养提供科学依据。影响大学高水平运动员心理行为适应性的主要因素有角色冲突、学习压力、人际关系、挫折承受力、就业压力、总体满意度、自我意识等 7个方面 ;目前山东省大学高水平运动员心理行为适应性属中等状态水平 ,女生比男生存在较多的适应性问题 ;在“学习压力”、“就业压力”和“自我意识” 3个因素上 ,男女大学生运动员的得分都在中等状态水平以下 ,表明这
Exploring the psychological and behavior adaptabilities and characters of the professional athletes in college can offer scientific issues on both management and cultivation.Seven factors were concluded by means of questionnaires and statistics:individual confliction,pressure on study,personal relations,frustration endurance,pressure on job,content limit averagely,self_conscious.The psychological adaptabilities of the professional athletes in colleges of Shandong province is middling,while more problems lie in the females.Both of the scores are moderate whatever males and females in 'pressure on study','Pressure on job'and 'self_conscious'.Accordingly,the three factors above are significant,which affect the psychological and behavior adaptabilities of the professional athletes in colleges.
Journal of Guangzhou Sport University
山东省教委哲学社会科学基金资助项目 (J99Y0 2 )