在考虑电离能修正情况下 ,对水中放电等离子体 (PPDW )辐射特性作了分析 .结果表明 ,当通道压力为1MPa时 ,PPDW辐射不能看作黑体辐射 .当通道压力为 0 .1GPa、温度在 16 0 0 0~ 35 0 0 0K时 ,PPDW满足黑体辐射的两个条件 ,其辐射可看作是黑体辐射 .若通道压力达 1GPa ,则在 110 0 0~ 6 0 0 0 0K范围内其辐射都可看作黑体辐射 .
Taking into account the correction of ionization energy, the authors discuss the radiation characteristics of plasma in a pulsed discharge in water(PPDW). The result indicates that PPDW radiation is not blackbody radiation when channel pressure is 1?MPa. But its radiation can be regard as blackbody radiation when channel pressure is 0.1?GPa and temperature changes between 16?000?~35?000?K. While channel pressure is 1?GPa, its radiation is blackbody radiation if only channel temperature is in the range of 11?000~60?000?K.
Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology