本文叙述了汽车工业在国民经济增长中的地位 ,经过对汽车工业现状的分析和发展预测 ,提出国内汽车低压电线面临极好发展机遇的观点 ;对树立加入国际经济大循环的思想 ,建设高起点、规模化的汽车低压电线生产企业进行了探讨 ,最后对加强国内汽车低压电线发展的引导提出建议。
This article describes the role of the automobile industry in promoting the Chinese National Economy. Based on the analysis of the current status of the domestic automobile industry and the prediction of its future development, the authors express their view that there is a great chance for the development of the industry. They also explore the idea of participating in the movement of globalization of economy and the possibility of setting up enterprises to produce automobile low tension cables at a higher starting level and in large scale. Finally, the authors make some suggestions to raise the domestic production of the low tension automobile cables.
Wire & Cable