连续 3a的田间试验结果表明 ,2 0 %好年冬乳油 2 5 0 0~ 30 0 0倍液、1 0 %吡虫啉可湿性粉剂 40 0 0~ 5 0 0 0倍液对绣线菌蚜、棉蚜均有优异的防治效果 ,且有效控制时间长 ,对天敌较为安全 ,应大力推广应用 ,菊醋酯药剂的防治效果亦较好 ,但对天敌杀伤力大 ,有效控制时间短 ,应减少应用 ,有机磷类药剂的防治效果差 ,有效控制时间短 ,且对天敌伤害大 ,对幼果亦不够安全 。
The experiment of the chemical control of the cotton aphid:Aphis gassypii Glover and the apple aphids A.citricola van der Goot were conducted in apple orchard.The results indicated that the effects of insecticides such as imidaelopvid 10wp and carbosulfan 20Ec were the best;the insecticides such as cypermethrin(Arrivo)10Ecnure,betacypermethrin 5Ec,nutelle-D(chlorpyrifor-cypermethrin)52.25Ec,and fenvalerate 20Ec were the middle.When the jujube looper was serious they were suitable for controlling the aphids;the insecticides such as omethoate,methamidophos were the poor,and were not suitable for controlling aphids in apple orchard.
Journal of Luoyang Agricultural College